Practical Strengths Membership


Grow Your Network. Expand Your Knowledge. Multiply Your Impact.


New Membership Structure Launched

Scroll down to see options and benefits.

What started as an experiment has grown slowly and into something that is here to stay!

My Futuristic, Ideation, and Connectedness love to dream big – but the Maximizer wants to be sure it’s a WIN for everyone and is shaped for excellent service to all.

I envision a network that starts virtually, eventually expanding into local  in-person events.

#be the pebble #starttheripple


I don’t want to sell. I want to share.
I like to create. I love to co-create.


My VISION is to create a ripple-effect impact. Each one of us brings something unique to the table which can enhance the lives of those around us and this space allows for us each to cast our own pebble and start the ripple, exanding ever outward.

My MISSION is to build a collaborative, supportive community of people who are passionate about bringing their own strengths – and the strengths of others – in to the spotlight.


Membership Options

CHOOSE WHAT YOU INVEST. The goal is to meet everyone where they are. I am a big believer in democratizing coaching and making it more accessible. Offering a sliding scale is part of that philosophy. I never want money to be the only reason someone has to miss an opportunity for growth, transformation, and/or success. Everyone deserves a chance and those of us who are a bit further along, can pay it forward for those still getting their start.

While still a work in progess, I am currently establishing a 501c3 Non-Profit in order to subsidize the cost of the CliftonStrengths Assessment for underserved and economically challenged communities around the world. 10% of membership fees will go toward supporting this cause each month. Once established, I will gladly send you a letter for your tax returns to claim your donation. For now, your support is tax deductible as a business expense. 



  • You are happy to contribute to the cause.
  • This can be a one time donation or monthly, your choice.



champion supporter

  • You are able to cover basic living expenses each month, but are careful with where you spend your money.



champion advocate

  • You have a reliable stream of income, with money left over each month for discretionary spending. This a a comfortable investment for you.


champion angel

  • You live in an abundance mindset and enjoy supporting those who share your vision; Your contribution allows others who are still growing to prosper as well.
  • BONUS: Quarterly 1:1 

*Programs and courses are generally priced between $750- $1500 to give you an idea of potential savings.

1:1 coaching is typically priced in packages, however, hourly rate is $199

Mark Your Calendar!

Save the dates – September 13 & 14, 2024 for the first Future of Strengths Forum which will celebrate the legacy of Don Clifton This virtual forum is designed for both Strengths professionals and enthusiasts. It combines speakers, foresight tools, collaborative creation, and workshops.  Planning has just started and it’s looking exciting. If you are interested in speaking or facilitating a workshop, please contact me directly. Want to be kept in the loop for all activities and news regarding the Forum, please fill out this form

General Benefits


Enjoy continuing education over a variety of topics through the mutltiple monthly webinars. Activities designed to expand your knowledge. Strategies to apply for yourself, your business, or your clents. We even offer a “test playground’ for those who would like to share an activity or presentation they’ve designed before they launch publicly. Receive feedback from your peers and perfect your work.


As a member, you’ll receive all webinar recordings and related materials used. If you are a champion, you’ll also have access to a limited resource library including proposal templates and base Powerpoint presentations. Lifetime members will have access to a more robust library only excluding certification materials. Also, for any training members participate in, you have the right to use the materials for your own purposes.

Organizations, Teams


Relationships and collaborations are built here. Join with like-minded people who believe in the power and impact of strengths, share an abundance mindset, and thrive in community. Whether joining a virtual call or participating in the Speaking of Strengths FB group, you’ll find the support you need. Champion members will also be included in a directory to find each other more easily.

Practical Strengths

Certified Facilitators

Our first certification on the Communication Styles book launches April 26, 2024. If you are interested in future dates or additional trainings, please fill out this form.  To the right are the books currently available. In process and on deck are: Relationships, Grief & Resilience, Habits & Goal Setting, Inner Compass, Health & Wellness, Conflict Management, and Hobbies & Recreation.

Certification will only be open to Practical Strengths Members and a minimum $25 level membership will be a requirement to maintain certification.

PLAN AHEAD: Career Success estimated for late July / early August 2024 and the next Communication Styles training will be in October 2024.

Practical Strengths Parenting
Practical Strengths Parenting
Practical Strengths Parenting

Core Programs & Certification Options

Language of You

The Language of You is the signature program started in 2015. This is a modular offer which dives deep into not only accepting your talents, but LOVING them – and YOURSELF. This is a powerful method used to understand ourselves as leaders, parents, partners, neighbors, etc. It is also easily aimed at helping one to create their personal brand.

Strengths as a 2nd Language

Intensive Course with two levels designed to accelerate your understanding of all 34 talents. A total of 13 hours of training, quizzes, and virtual classroom learning will not only help you understand each talent in a practical way, you will also learn to identify patterns, talent spot with greater ease, and explore talent dynamics.

SpeakEasy Lab

This would be considered the mini-Communications Course which includes the two main workshops I use in order to help teams and communities improve their relationships and understanding of one another. 

Roadmap for Organizational Champions

This program combines the previously mentioned courses (LOY, S2L, SpeakEasy) and is directed toward organizations and educational institutes who are actively developing a Strengths Culture. This training allows those organizations to become self-sufficient while receiving support at an affordable rate. The certification for this process is more selective and rigorous. If interested, please contact me directly.

Curious to know more?

Send me a note here – or even better – schedule a conversation with me.
I’d love to get to know you personally.

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