I’m here to help you do
3 things:
1. Get out of overwhelm. Just because the formula says you have to do it, doesn’t mean you do.
2. Build your business around what brings you joy and what you do best.
3. Break the “analysis paralysis” and take action.
Your Biggest Blind Spots are Often the best parts about you
learn The Language of You and uncover the parts of you that shine.
Do you ever suffer from imposter syndrome?
What if I told you that lacking confidence isn’t the problem and lack of self-awareness is?
Knowing your talents is the first step in understanding how to be you at your best and
create a rock-solid foundation from which to launch you and your purpose.
The feedback I most commonly hear after completion of the
Language of You program is:
‘I finally feel like I have permission to be me.’
Show your strengths with confidence.
In this masterclass you’ll learn how to isolate the driving force of your identity
and establish what you stand for in the world.
We’ll help you discover how to differentiate your unique strengths
so that you can break out of identity traps and forge ahead.
We’ll teach you how to communicate your competitive difference with confidence and power.
It all starts with the language of you.
Understanding Your Talents
First we tap into your innate talents to amplify your possibility.
Values, Motivations & What You do Best
Next , we weave your talents together with your values, skills, and what truly motivates you.
Connecting to Your WHY
Time to own and harness the force that inspires others to go on a ride with you.
Defining Your Edge
With WHY clearly defined, see HOW you naturally differ from the competition. Your stepping into your own spotlight now.
For those who prefer more individual attention and to work at your own pace, this is the path for you.
We will cover the 4 modules of The Language of You at your pace. The quicker you take action, the quicker we move through the material.
For example, if we complete the material in only 2 sessions, the other 3 sessions can be used to move forward on your plan.
5 hours of coaching
Investment: $799 (includes 3-mo trial PSMN Membership)
In the years that I’ve been working with clients, one thing is consistent.
Often our struggle with the HOW is because we’re not 100% sure of our WHY. I can help with both. There are some amazing tools at your disposal, but creating that perfect message for can still be a challenge. It just so happens, this is what I love to do.
“I’m starting a new business.” Great. This tool will help you refine (or re-define) your branding message to reach your audience with a truly authentic voice – the voice that will emotionally connect with your ideal audience and keep them coming back for more. Learn how to confidently stand in your own spotlight.
“I’m in transition and not sure what’s next.” In life we tend to go with what feels comfortable or what others have expected of us. But when you get that itch, the one that says you should be doing something different, the ‘what’ becomes the challenge. Your strengths hold the clues to finding your path; the one that will get you where you most want to go.
“I don’t know who my ideal client is.” It may come as a surprise, but the better we know ourselves, the more obvious our ideal client becomes. When you can align your talents, with your motivations, what you do best and what you most value, the picture of your ideal client (or niche) crystallizes naturally. No more second guessing and lots less trial and error. I won’t say “no error” since some mistakes we need to make and they are our best teachers.
“I just want to communicate with others better.” One of the reasons I adore Strengths Psychology is that is gives us a language, an easy way to not only understand ourselves but others. I always think of it like a foreign language dictionary in your pocket, giving you the perfect clues to improve all your conversations, from business to loved ones. Want to create more harmony in your life? I highly recommend you give this a try.
What separates this program from any of the free branding advice you can find on the internet? My #Maximizer just hates to start from scratch, and I’m guessing you do, too. With You. Unleashed! you get a head start on understanding exactly what makes you unique and exceptional (and yes, You. Are. Exceptional.) Then, learn how to communicate that and aim it effectively so you can be the best version of yourself as soon as possible.
Let’s do this together.
- a clear understanding of your value
- improved communications with friends, family and colleagues
- unlimited 1:1 coaching support during the program
- 60 minute, private strategy sessions after the course ends